You Should Know : Prabowo And Corruption

I open ' Presidential Candidate 2014 ' in Tribunnews , as he writes these keywords will appear lined up news about 2014 presidential candidate . I open fit , in the top row of the news " ISC Survey : Most Capable Prabowo Candidates Fight Corruption " . Immediately, I open , curious what's in the news . Turns boljug news content ( may as well) , there are interesting things to comment on , especially related headlines survey Indonesian Survey Center ( ISC ), which questions the candidate and this corruption .
 You should know : Prabowo and Corruption
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Frankly I am interested in the results of this survey not because IRC Chairman of the Board of Trustees put Gerindra Prabowo Jokowi whose names could outperform most frequently ranked top in a survey of 2014 presidential candidate . But in the IRC results put the most capable candidate Prabowo as eradicate corruption .

Survey ISC Chairman of the Board of Trustees put Gerindra Prabowo was ranked first as Presidential candidate ( candidates ) RI 's most capable combat corruption . Communications Director of ISC , Andry Kurniawan said Prabowo is above Mahfud MD who is ranked second , and Joko

Widodo ( Jokowi ) which is ranked third .

" Prabowo publicly rated as the most leading figures of 21.2 percent has the competence and the most daring in its efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia 23.4 percent , " said Andry Kurniawan in a statement in Jakarta ( 26/01/2014 ) . Mentioned , from the aspect of electability , candidate most figures are considered clean and capable of combating corruption is Prabowo ( 19.1 percent ) , followed by Mahfud MD ( 11.9 percent ) , Jokowi ( 11.8 percent ) , Wiranto ( 8.1 percent ) , Anis Baswedan ( 7.8 percent ) , and Hatta Rajasa ( 6.9 percent ) .

Added by Andry that corruption in Indonesia that involves many parties to be the cause for melunjaknya figure Prabowo as a candidate who has a strong commitment to combat corruption .

According to the survey results ISC , is Gerindra party cadres relatively clean of corruption cases , ( 16.7 percent ) , followed by Hanura ( 12.2 percent ) in the second position . Gerindra being considered society as the most consistent party to fight corruption ( 18.7 percent ) , followed by PDI-P ( 11.2 percent ) , Hanura ( 9.2 percent ) , and PAN ( 8.1 percent ) .

" Public trust towards political parties are now increasingly collapsed following the discovery of many cases of corruption . In

fact one of the most important reform mandate lies in consistent efforts on eradicating corruption , "said Andry . Also described , the public believes that the prevention of corruption should start from political parties ( 26 percent ) . Thus, politicians who hold public office can be prevented as early as possible corrupt act .

Surveys conducted ISC aims to look at some figures candidates and political parties considered the most have the capacity and capability ( competency ) to eradicate corruption in Indonesia . For that we need a leader who not only have a commitment to eradicate corruption , also had the firmness attitude .

I immediately thought back to when covering the inauguration Gerindra Media Center ( GMC ) , on the occasion Chairman of the Board Pembinan Gerindra Prabowo proscribe corruption among party cadres . He said , Gerindra initiative will act if there is an indication of its cadres involved in white collar crime . Prabowo said , has become the party 's determination to support the eradication of corruption . " We will first take action , " says Prabowo .

On that occasion, Prabowo asserted before Gerindra cadres who were present at the launch of the Media Centre Gerindra , not to engage in corruption . For those who violate them , the party would not hesitate to dismiss . "Our party a little better but clean , from the big but dirty , " he said in a serious tone . Prabowo therefore emphasized its commitment to the people who would be the cadres Gerindra do not try to corrupt people's money be thief .

Prabowo also reminded the prospective head region that carried Gerindra . He said there was a commitment that the candidate does not become a thief people's money . "If you are corrupt , our stretcher , we will lead the effort to lose you , " said the candidate Gerindra .

The problem of corruption is a concern Prabowo . According to him , the system in this country has opened up the possibility of a criminal act . Therefore , prevention of corruption should be done systematically . " The system 's fix . Management practices , "said Prabowo while adding support and appreciate the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) Abraham Samad led it to fight crime corruption . Prabowo also appreciated the severe punishment for the corrupt . " Hopefully from now they could be a deterrent and reduce corruption , " he continued .

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